The Grand Portage Reservation is at the northeastern tip of Minnesota. The Air Quality Program has many ongoing projects in order to maintain healthy indoor and outdoor air. These projects include monitoring for regional haze and particulate matter, indoor air quality, invasive plant removal, public outreach, environmental education, alternative energy, and climate change.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day!

Although I think we should try to make every day Earth Day!

I believe that if more people realize how fragile some of the threads that hold so many ecosystems in balance are they would be a little slower in causally disregarding our environment.

So today try to get outside for a while. Listen to the birds sing and the waters lap on the shore. Find a quiet spot to reflect on the beauty that we are so fortunate to have surrounding us here on the North Shore.

If everyone can carry a little of that awareness into their everyday lives then maybe we humans still have a chance to preserve a livable biosphere for our children and grandchildren.

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