The Grand Portage Reservation is at the northeastern tip of Minnesota. The Air Quality Program has many ongoing projects in order to maintain healthy indoor and outdoor air. These projects include monitoring for regional haze and particulate matter, indoor air quality, invasive plant removal, public outreach, environmental education, alternative energy, and climate change.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Grand Portage Hazecam

If you visit the Hazecam website, you have probably noticed that often either the Grand Portage data has not been showing up or that the fine particle count has been high. Right now the count is showing up as moderate (yellow).
For the past few years we have noticed a trend in the BAM 1020 data. In the morning during the summer, there is a spike in the fine particle count that is causing the data on the Hazecam website to be high. We are trying to find out whether these spikes are from flaws in data collection with the BAM or whether they are from an actual source that is emitting particles. We hope to have it figured out soon so that you can be sure of what you are seeing on the hazecam website. Normally, we have such great, clean air here, so we hope to let you know soon whether there is cause for concern. For the mean time, I will post on here and alert the clinic whenever we reach levels of particles that are hazardous to health. If you have any questions about this, give me a call at 475-2027.

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